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This workshop is designed to be an introduction to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) training, providing skills, knowledge, or experience to advise, develop, and support colleagues/organisation in EDI. It is suitable for anyone who has to deliver training, support people on a one-to-one, small group development/talks, or large group basis (face to face or via the internet).
We offer training at different levels, to suit the needs of a wide range of trainers/potential trainers and in-house trainers. Our Train the Trainer programmes are delivered to small groups to ensure adequate personal support in the training environment.
The programmes are designed and delivered with sufficient time for practical activities, videos, shared knowledge, and understanding. There is an opportunity throughout the programme to practice and enhance skills in a safe and constructive learning environment.
Free training resources are provided, subject to copyright conditions, but training and support don’t stop there. Post-course, we offer 3 months free support to help with the rollout of design, planning, and delivery of your programmes.

Those who already have some theoretical knowledge and practical experience of training and some EDI knowledge will also benefit from attending.

The course gives established trainers the opportunity to:
  1. Draw on core knowledge to develop and enhance existing skills
  2. Refresh their skills by exploring new EDI ideas and sharing best practice
  3. Explore current training techniques and approaches.
  4. It aims to arm participants with the confidence and skills to design and deliver equality and diversity training sessions and activities at all levels. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of equality legislation, outlawed behaviours, how to manage conflict, deal with entrenched views, challenge unacceptable behaviour, avoid unconscious bias, and use a range of learning and development approaches and techniques.
  5. The training uncovers a wide range of practical EDI activities and resources to support both individual and group development and your delivery style. Each trainer has a different style, and we lean into what suits the participants best.
  • Half Day: £575
  • Full Day: £885

Face to Face courses: maximum 25 delegates per session

Courses run via Zoom, maximum of 18 delegates per session

We charge additional travel costs.